Resep Kue Lapis Susu ( Milk Layer Cake Recipe )

Anda pernah mencoba bikin kue lapis dari tepung beras ? Nah, rasa kue lapis susu ini saya rasa mirip dengan kue tersebut. Bedanya karena penggunaan telurnya di resep yang berikut lumayan banyak :)
Resep aslinya sih di kukus ya bunda... tapi nanti saya mau mencoba dengan proses keseluruhannya di oven juga nih,,, gimana ya rasanya :D ( habisnya saya suka memodifikasi resep sih... penasaran dan tangannya suka gatal-gatal kepingin modif hehehe :D )

Kue lapis susu yang saya buat ini sih sempet juga di oven sebentar ketika 20 menit terakhir sewaktu proses pematangan kuenya, jadi proses terakhirnya saya oven... Hasilnya bagian atasnya saja yang sedikit kenyal, padahal maunya bagian pinggirnya kekuningan gitu biar lebih harum hehehe :D

Yang penting sudah di coba agar tidak penasaran lagi, setelah kue nya matang dan sudah benar-benar dingin. Yang pada mau nyoba di tahan dulu... Eiiit,,, mau saya proses masuk kulkas dulu nih biar lebih mantap,, jadi nahan dulu yaaa :D

Tapi nggak nyesel deh, nih hasil jadinya... rasanya lembut dan yummy :D

Berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya
Bahan :
  • 10 butir telur ayam 
  • 8 sdm gula pasir
  • 7 sdm tepung terigu 
  • 8 sdm susu bubuk atau susu kental manis
  • 3 gelas santan kental
  • 5 sdm coklat bubuk 
  • Sejumput garam
  • Vanili secukupnya
Cara Membuatnya :
  1. Kocok rata 10 butir telur ayam, vanili, dan 8 sdm gula pasir hingga gula larut tetapi jangan sampai adonan mengembang
  2. Tambahkan 7 sdm tepung terigu dan 8 sdm susu bubuk sedikit demi sedikit sambil bergantian, terus diaduk hingga tercampur rata
  3. Masukkan 3 gelas santan kental dan sejumput garam, aduk kembali 
  4. Sementara itu panaskan kukusan hingga air di dalam kukusan mendidih dan siapkan loyang
  5. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, tambahkan 5 sdm coklat bubuk ke dalam salah satu bagian adonan dan biarkan adonan yang lain berwarna putih
  6. Tuang adonan dengan takaran kira-kira 1 gelas adonan coklat ke dalam loyang kemudian kukus sekitar 8 menit 
  7. Kemudian tuangkan lagi 1 gelas adonan putih di atas adonan coklat yang setengah matang lalu kukus kembali sekitar 8 menit lagi, lakukan cara di atas dengan bergantian hingga adonan habis
  8. Setelah adonan habis, kukus kembali kue selama 20 menit hingga benar-benar matang dengan melakukan tes tusuk lidi pada kue tersebut
  9. Angkat, potong-potong lalu sajikan

Nyobain kue ini sekilas teringat kue Maksuba khas Palembang, rasa susu banget... rasa telur banget... rasanya manis dan legit banget... tetapi tetep bikin nagih terus makan nya...

Oh ya bunda... pemakaian gula di dalam resep ini tidak terlalu banyak. Jadi rasa kue nya terasa sedang manis nya tetapi tidak terlalu manis legit sekali, jika bunda suka dengan rasanya yang manis legit. Bunda cukup menambahkan takaran pemakaian gula sesuai selera yang di inginkan. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D

Milk Layer Cake Recipe

Have you ever tried to make a layer cake of rice flour? Well, this milk layer cake flavor I guess similar to the cake. The difference is due to the use of eggs in the recipe that follows quite a lot :)

The original recipe steamed ... but later I want to try the whole process in the oven,,, (ending I like to modify the recipe anyway ... curious and hands like hives wanted modification hehehe: D)

Milk layer cake that I made this was also in the oven for a while when the final 20 minutes during the maturation process of the cake, so my final process ... As a result the upper oven only slightly chewy, actually I want the edges though more fragrant yellowish hehehe: D

The important thing has been tried in order not curious anymore, after the cake is cooked and it was really cold. Who at first wanted to try on hold ... Eiiit,,, want to go in the fridge first processed though more steady ya,, so hold on yaaa: D

Here are the ingredients and how to make 

ingredients :
  • 10 chicken eggs
  • 8 tablespoons granulated sugar 
  • 7 tablespoons flour 
  • 8 tablespoons milk powder or condensed milk 
  • 3 cups coconut milk 
  • 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder 
  • Pinch of salt
  • Vanilla to taste
How To Make :
  1. Whisk average 10 chicken eggs, vanilla, and 8 tablespoons granulated sugar until the sugar is dissolved, but do not let dough rise 
  2. Add 7 tablespoons flour and 8 tablespoons of powdered milk gradually while alternately, continue stirring until well blended 
  3. Enter the 3 cups coconut milk and pinch of salt, stir again 
  4. Meanwhile heat the water in the steamer to steam boil and prepare a baking sheet 
  5. Divide the dough into 2 parts, add 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder into one piece of dough and let the dough the other white 
  6. Pour batter with a dose of approximately 1 cup of chocolate batter into the pan and then steamed about 8 minutes 
  7. Then pour 1 cup of white dough on half-baked chocolate dough and steamed back about 8 minutes longer, do the above with alternating until the dough runs 
  8. After the dough out, steamed back cake for 20 minutes until completely cooked with prick test sticks on the cake 
  9. Lift, cut into pieces and serve
 Tasting this cake reminded me with Maksuba cake from Palembang, flavored milk eggs taste really ... really ... really sweet and sticky ... but still addictive continue to eat ... 

Oh yes ... the use of sugar in this recipe is not too much. So taste the sweetness of the cake was moderate but not too sweet at all, if you like the taste of sweet. You simply add the appropriate dose of sugar consumption in the desired taste. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom: D

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